Page Rank Export List History 晴

郝聪 , 2006/11/21 14:05 , 搜索引擎研究 , 评论(0) , 阅读(9606) , Via 本站原创 | |


This Page Rank Update/Export List History contains the dates that Google Toolbar Pagerank (PR) was exported. As of November 20th, there has not been a Toolbar PR export for 53 day(s). The longest time between toolbar PR exports recorded in the below Page Rank Export List was 122 days (Oct 19/2005 to Feb 18/2006).
*Note: Toolbar Pagerank update, Google Directory Pagerank update, and Backlink updates as of Sept 04/2005 will be referred to as Toolbar Pagerank Export, Google Directory Pagerank Export, and Backlink Export on this page.
This better reflects what is happening when there is a visible change in these three items. There is only an export not an update. The word update will be reserved for Algorithm Updates which will cause a change in the search engine rankings.
The Toolbar Pagerank, Google Directory Pagerank, and Backlink exports don't cause a change in search engine rankings. Any ranking changes during the export of the values of these three items is due to on going everflux changes - unless there is an algorithm update happening at the same time.
Read Matt Cutt's blog on
What's An Update
and his
More info on PageRank.

Page Rank Export Table Definitions

TBPR Export: Toolbar PageRank Export - export of Real PR to the Toolbar PR 11 unit scale (no longer called a PR update as Real PR is updated continously and the Toolbar PR change is just an export of that updated value).
GDPR Export: Google Directory Export - export of Real PR to the Google Directory 8 unit scale (no longer called a PR update as Real PR is updated continously and the Google directory PR change is an export of that updated value).
BL Export: Backlink Export - export of a sample of the number of backlinks which is almost meaningless as it is only a sample number. This number can be seen with the link:www.domain.tld command (no longer called a BL update as backlinks are updated continously and the visible BL number change is an export of that updated value).
Algo Update: Algorithm Update - a major update in the Ranking algorithm that causes a large SERP change.
TB Program Version Change: Toolbar Program Version Change - a software version change to the Google toolbar that displays PR.
Days: Days between toolbar PR exports.
Tooltip information:
点击在新窗口中浏览此图片Mouseover this icon and it provides further information. : Mouseover this icon and it provides further information. Click the icon takes you to forum coverage.

Page Rank Export List History Table

<table width="65%">
<tr><td colspan="4" style="color:red;">PR/BL Estimations: Average days between the last 5 exports.</td></tr>
<td><b>TBPR Export <span style="color:red;">Estimation</span> Jan 28</b></td>

<td><b>GDPR Export <span style="color:red;">Estimation</span> Mar 19</b></td>

<td><b>BL Export <span style="color:red;">Estimation</span> Oct 28</b></td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Sep 28 TBPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Toolbar Pagerank &amp; BL Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /><br /><br />

Estimated Oct 11/2006</span></a> Sep 28</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jul 13 TBPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Toolbar Pagerank &amp; BL Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jul &nbsp;13</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Apr 05 TBPR Export:</b> Toolbar Pagerank Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Apr &nbsp;04</td>
<td>TBPR Export</td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Mar 28/2006 TB Program Update:</b> Google launched a new toolbar update
(v 2.0f) for Fire Fox.<br /></span></a> Apr 07</td>
<td>TB Program Update FF v2.0f</td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Feb 18 TBPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Toolbar Pagerank &amp; BackLink Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Feb &nbsp;18</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Mar 30/2006 TB Program Update:</b> Google launched a new toolbar update
(v 4.0.513.2948 Beta) for IE.<br /></span></a> Jan 30</td>
<td>TB Program Update IE v4.0.513.2984 Beta</td>

<tr id="bigdaddy"><td>2006</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jan 4 to Mar 27 Infra Update:</b> Infrastructure update.<br />
<b>Matt coverage:</b><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
</span></a> Jan 4</td>
<td>Infra Update - <b>BigDaddy</b></td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Dec 19 GDPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Google Directory &amp; BackLink Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Dec 19</td>
<td>GDPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Nov 04 to Nov 18 Algo Update:</b> Algorithm Update - Jagger 3.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /><br /></span></a> Nov 04</td>
<td>Algo Update - <b>Jagger 3</b></td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 27 to Nov 06 Algo Update:</b> Algorithm Update - Jagger 2.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 27</td>
<td>Algo Update - <b>Jagger 2</b></td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 19 TBPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Google Toolbar Pagerank &amp; BackLink Export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 19</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 16 to Nov 07 Algo Update:</b> Algorithm Update - Jagger 1.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 16</td>
<td>Algo Update - <b>Jagger 1</b></td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Sep 4 GDPR &amp; BL Export:</b> Google Directory Pagerank &amp; BackLink export.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Sep 04</td>
<td>GDPR &amp; BL Export</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jul 14 PR Update:</b>Toolbar Pagerank &amp; BackLink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jul 14</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jun 11 GDPR Update:</b> Goggle Directory Pagerank update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jun 11</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>May 27 BL Update:</b> Backlink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jun 08</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>May 27 TBPR Goes Blank:</b> Toolbar PageRank Goes Grey Everywhere For 3 Days. Most claim it is dead.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> May 27</td>
<td>TBPR Goes Grey For 3 Days</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>May 24 GDPR &amp; BL Update:</b> Google PageRank &amp; Backlink Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> May 24</td>
<td>GDPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Apr 22 TBPR, GDPR &amp; BL Update:</b>Toolbar PageRank, Google Directory &amp; Backlink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Apr 22</td>
<td>TBPR, GDPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="#">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Mar 04/2005 BL Update:</b>Backlink Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Mar 04</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Mar 3/2005 GDPR Update:</b>Google Directory PR Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Mar 03</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<tr><td>2005</td><td><a class="info" href="#">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Feb 23/2005 TB Program Update:</b> Google launched a new toolbar update
(v with a change algorithm for computing the checksum.</span></a> Feb 23</td>
<td>TB Program Update IE</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Feb 04 GDPR Update:</b>Google Directory PR Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Feb 04</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Feb 03 BL &amp; Algo Update:</b>Google Backlink &amp; Algorithm update.<br />
Lots of SEO sites seemed to just drop out of the SERP.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Feb 03</td>
<td>BL &amp; Algo Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jan 10 GDPR Update:</b>Google Directory PageRank Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jan 10</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Jan 1 TBPR &amp; BL Update:</b>Toolbar PageRank &amp; Backlink Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Jan 1</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Dec 16 BL Update:</b>Google Backlink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Dec 16</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Nov 25 BL Update:</b>Google Backlink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Nov 25</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 28 GDPR Update:</b>Google Directory PR Update?<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 28</td>
<td>GDPR Update?</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 28 BL Update:</b>Google Backlink update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 28</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=";page=5&amp;pp=10"
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 18 BL Update Roll Back:</b>Oct 16th Backlink Update Was Rolled Back.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />;page=5&amp;pp=10</span></a> Oct 18</td>
<td>BL Update Rolled Back</td>

<td><a class="info" href="" &nbsp;
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 17 GDPR Update:</b>Google Directory update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 17</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 16 BL Update:</b>Backlink update - Was rolled back Oct 18.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 16</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Oct 6/2004 Toolbar Update:</b> Longest wait for a toolbar update. 106
days.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Oct 6</td>
<td>TBPR Update; No BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Sept 10/2004 Backlinks (BL) Update:</b> Fourth BL update since the last June 23
PR toolbar update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Sept 10</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href="#">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Sept 8/2004 Toolbar Update:</b> Google launched a new toolbar update
(v 2.0.114).</span></a> Sept 8</td>
<td>TB Program Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Aug 30/2004 Backlinks (BL) Update:</b> Third BL update since the last June 23
PR toolbar update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /><br /></span></a> Aug 30</td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Aug 10/2004 Google Directory Update:</b> First Google PR update since the
last June 23 PR toolbar update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Aug 10 </td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
<b>Aug 9/2004 Backlinks (BL) Update:</b> Second BL update since the last June 23
PR toolbar update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /></span></a> Aug 9 </td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>July 16/2004 Backlink (BL) Update:</b> First BL updated since the June 23 PR
update; No PR update; discussion on the forums of Google going to quarterly
toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Jul 16 </td>
<td>BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" /> <span>
From this date to May 6th 2003 Web Rank Info's list from is
the source for the dates used. &nbsp;Web Rank Info's dates are a bit different than
I found from other sources, (they are based on EU time and use a Monday date if
the update happened over the weekend), but they are more complete.<br />
I changed the EU Jun 23 date to Jun 22.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br /><br />
<b>Forum dates for updates:</b><br /> #8 McDar Nov 20 through Apr 23 dates.
</span></a>Jun 22 </td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>May 31/2004 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Backlink and toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>May 31 </td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Apr 7/2004 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Backlink and toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Apr 23</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Apr 7/2004 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Backlink and toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Apr 7</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Mar 16/2004 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Backlink and toolbar PR update. &nbsp;Google Directory
PR update also .<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Mar 16</td>
<td>TBPR, GDPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Feb 11/2004 Algorithm Update:</b><br />
Algorithm Update, perhaps BL Update. &nbsp;No TBPR change.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Feb 11</td>
<td>Brandy: Algo Update</td>

<tr><td>2004</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Jan 26/2004 BL TBPR Update:</b><br />
TBPR &amp; BL Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Jan 26</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Jan 11/2004 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
TBPR &amp; BL update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Jan 11</td>
<td>Austin: TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2003</td><td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Jan 23/2004 Toolbar PR Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Dec 23</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Dec 6/2003 Toolbar PR Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Dec 6</td>
<td>TBPR Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Nov 16-24/2003 TBPR, BL &amp; Algo Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR, Backlinks and Algorithm Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Nov 16</td>
<td>Florida: TBPR, BL &amp; Algo Update</td>

<tr><td>2003</td><td>Oct 26</td><td></td><td>35</td></tr>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Oct 2/2003 GDPR Update</b><br />
Google Directory Update. Last GDPR Update was 7 months ago.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Oct 2</td>
<td>GDPR Update</td>

<tr><td>2003</td><td>Sept 21</td><td></td><td>23</td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>Aug 29</td><td></td><td>21</td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>Aug 8</td><td></td><td><b>54</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>Jun 15</td><td></td><td>40</td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>May 6</td><td></td><td>25</td></tr>

<td><a class="info" href="#">
<img src="" alt="" /><span>
All the below dates are from eSavvyMarketing and double checked
against the WebmasterWorld list found at</span></a> Apr 11</td>

<tr><td>2003</td><td>Mar 6</td><td></td><td><b>41</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>Jan 25</td><td></td><td>24</td></tr>
<tr><td>2003</td><td>Jan 1</td><td></td><td>35</td></tr>
<tr><td>2002</td><td>Nov 27</td><td></td><td>27</td></tr>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Oct 31/2002 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Oct 31</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Sept 26/2002 TBPR, GDPR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR, Google Directory PR &amp; Backlink Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Sept 26</td>
<td>TBPR GDPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Aug 21/2002 TBPR, GDPR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR, Google Directory PR &amp; Backlink Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Aug 21</td>
<td>TBPR GDPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>July 25/2002 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Jul 25</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<td><a class="info" href=""
onclick=" = '_blank'; return true;">
<img src="" alt="" />
<span><b>Jun 23/2002 Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update:</b><br />
Toolbar PR &amp; BL Update.<br />
<b>Forum coverage:</b><br />
</span></a>Jun 23</td>
<td>TBPR &amp; BL Update</td>

<tr><td>2002</td><td>May 24</td><td></td><td>29</td></tr>
<tr><td>2002</td><td>Apr 25</td><td></td><td>19</td></tr>
<tr><td>2002</td><td>Apr 6</td><td></td><td><b>45</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>2002</td><td>Feb 20</td><td></td><td>26</td></tr>
<tr><td>2002</td><td>Jan 25</td><td></td><td>29</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Dec 27</td><td></td><td>32</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Nov 25</td><td></td><td>28</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Oct 28</td><td></td><td><b>42</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Sept 16</td><td></td><td>28</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Aug 19</td><td></td><td>31</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Jul 19</td><td></td><td>30</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Jun 22</td><td></td><td>32</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>May 21</td><td></td><td>28</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Apr 23</td><td></td><td>28</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Mar 26</td><td></td><td>35</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Feb 19</td><td></td><td>29</td></tr>
<tr><td>2001</td><td>Jan 21</td><td></td><td>33</td></tr>
<tr><td>2000</td><td>Dec 19</td><td></td><td>31</td></tr>
<tr><td>2000</td><td>Nov 18</td><td></td><td>27</td></tr>
<tr><td>2000</td><td>Oct 22</td><td></td><td><b>54</b></td></tr>
<tr><td>2000</td><td>Aug 29</td><td></td><td>34</td></tr>
<tr><td>2000</td><td>Jul 26</td><td></td><td>Unknown</td></tr>

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最后编辑: 郝聪 编辑于2006/11/21 15:53
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