通过eNom代理商注册域名,但联系不上了应该怎么办? 不指定

郝聪 , 2010/11/11 13:13 , 域名主机 , 评论(4) , 阅读(21360) , Via 本站原创 | |




在www.enomcentral.com注册个账户(要用真实信息填写),然后登录进去后,点Help -> Support Center -> Submit A Ticket里提交个问题,就说

Dear eNom support,

I registered XXXXXX.com ( å°†XXXXXX.com替换为您的域名) thru one of eNom resellers.  Now I can't reach him because he didn't reply any emails and phone calls.  I want to renew this domain.  Could you please do me a favor and get this domain back to my eNom account, so that I can renew my domains and manage them properly?  Thank you very much!

A customer ( 这里写您名字的拼音)





Dear eNom support,

I registered XXXXXX.com ( å°†XXXXXX.com替换为您的域名) thru one of eNom resellers.  Now I can't reach him because he didn't reply any emails.  I want to renew this domain.  Could you please unlock the domain and let me know its EPP key, so that I can transfer it to another eNom reseller?  Thank you very much!

A customer ( 这里写您名字的拼音)





The registrant of the domain name must contact us, either by phone or through a public ticket which can be filed at https://www.enom.com/contact.aspx. The registrant states they have not been able to reach their reseller. If it is a dispute between the reseller and the registrant, we do not become involved. However, if the reseller is not responsive or has gone out of business we refer the registrant back to the reseller and we give the reseller 48 hours to provide support.

After 48 hours, if the registrant still has not received support from the reseller then they contact us again. We will then send the user to our Customer Care department who will have the registrant create an account with us, and then we will unlock the domain and provide the EPP key to the registrant. They can then initiate a transfer into their new account, or at the registrar of their choice into their direct control.

We are sorry to hear you were unable to reach your reseller. We will be able to assist you in managing your domain directly with eNom.

Please follow the steps below so that we may assist you in gaining access to your domain(s):

1. Create a free login ID at www.eNomCentral.com
2. For ownership verification purposes, please send one of the following:
---->A. Send a copy of your photo ID matching the WHOIS record for the domain
---->B. Send a receipt reflecting past payment for the domain

The above along with your domain can be faxed to 1-425-974-4791 or by attaching the documentation a Support Center ticket (help -> Support Center -> Submit A Ticket). After receiving your information, we will have any expired domains placed into your account so that you may renew them.

If your domain is not expired, we will send you the transfer key for the domain so that you may transfer the domain into your eNom account or provider of your choice.

Thank you for your time and patience in resolving this matter.

最后编辑: 郝聪 编辑于2011/03/29 14:32
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